This unique creation of nature has been a subject of human interest for ages. In the early Middle Ages under the shadow of the huge roks, there was a Slavic settlement. The rocks and their unique shape may have been seen as an object of worship. Since their shape is very distinctive, they have been arousing people's interests .

Local fairy tale

Once upon a time, there was a castellan's family living in a castle in Odrzykoń. The castellan's wife gave birth to three daughters. The girls were very much alike and they grew up into beautiful maidens. They liked dancing and having fun more than anything else. But there was one thing they liked the most. Their beauty attracted the attention of men and their admiration was the greatest pleasure for the young ladies. They despised hard work, sewing or broidery was not on their minds. Their mother was helpless. On the top of that, the young ladies were not eager to get married and neither of them wanted to accept the responsibilities that come with it. Until one day...
There were three brothers also born the same day. They turned out to be knights of the king himself and they stayed in Odrzykoń for a short time. It was enough for love to ignite between the ladies and the newcomers. Soon a lavish engagement was celebrated at the castle. The brothers were about to go to the war, so they asked beautiful girls to weave them something out of linen that they could feel their love on the battlefield. In a few days, they were supposed to appear at the castle to say goodbye to their loved ones.
Odrzykoń castle by Henryk Grabiński from 1880

Odrzykoń castle by Henryk Grabiński from 1880

However, the young ladies chose fun over work. Their mother was concerned and she reminded them that they did not have enough time. They should have been weaving. The day before the arrival of the brothers, they started working on the loom. The young ladies were weaving and weaving relentlessly. They were just gazing through the window with the great care because the Sun was setting and they were running out of the time. They were working through the whole night and the Sunday morning came. When their mother came into the chamber and saw her daughters working, she told them to stop beacuse it was Sunday. They were not listening.
When the morning came, the three sisters run out of the castle to a nearby hill to continue their work outside and look out for the knights. People were heading to the church for the Sunday mass. They were whispering in petrifation, and making the sign of cross towards the girls who were working on the holy day. Suddenly, a cloud of dust rose in the distance, and the castellan and castellaness came out to greet the arriving knights. The men were surprised that their loved ones did not run out to greet them themselves. When their mother pointed out the hill, they happily set off to meet them. But as soon as they reached the spot, they were stunned...
drawing of Prządki from 1846
People say that when the church bell struck, the girls turned into rocks, covered by the morning dew. Over the years, the memory of these events has not died, and to this day three rocks, resembling spinning girls, are called the Three Spinners (pl. 'Trzy Prządki').
Przadki nature reserve

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